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learn English conversation: Car Rental

Hello, how may I help you ?

Hi there, I’d like to rent a car .

Alright, how long will you need it ?

I’ll only need it for three days .

Okay, what kind of car would you like ?

What kind of cars do you have ?

We have sedans, trucks, vans …

I’d like a sedan, please .

Alright. Have you ever rented a car before ?

No, I haven’t .

What is your reason for renting ?

Well, my other car is in the shop right now .

Oh, okay. A lot of people rent cars when theirs is broken  .
I bet. My sister rented a car when she was on vacation .

Yes, a lot of people do that also. Alright, you said you wanted a sedan …

Can I choose the make and model of the rental ?

Well, we have a Toyota Corolla in black, red, silver, and navy blue .

Can I have the silver one ?

Sure! Here are the keys to the car .

Thanks! What time do I have to bring it back ?

It needs to come back by noon of the third day .

What if I’m late ?

If it’s late, then we will charge you for another day .

Alright. Thanks again !

Thank you! Drive safely .

تعليم الانجليزية





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